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11 Simple and Effective Things to set yourself up for Success in Practice.
11 Simple and Effective Things to set yourself up for Success in Practice.
I’m a speaker, advocate, practitioner and advisor. I help health centered mission based business leaders grow through confidence, clarity and communication strategy so they can avoid burnout, improve efficiencies and increase profitability #scalewithintention
I’m fortunate to work with some incredible organizations and leaders. I love helping others meaningfully and effectively advance their organization’s mission.
When you’re a passionate business owner, it’s common to suffer from burnout, lack of clarity around what the next best step is, and lack of confidence. It’s tempting to jump right into strategy, but really only feel like you’re guessing you’re going in the right direction.
Growing from solo-preneur or employee into being a leader or advocate in your industry can be challenging. Perhaps you’re lacking confidence and wonder,
“can I do this”?
Dr. Nell is an advocate, practitioner and consultant. She’s built and scaled her practice and is passionate about sharing lessons learned (and continued learning!).
Men are less likely than their female counterparts to seek out medical care, and these statistic worsen when looking at preventative care. In this segment with Michael Pereira, Dr. Nell discusses critical issues for men’s health.
What is Andropause? This physiological response to aging affects milions of men, yet is not often discussed. In this segment with Kylee Cruz, Dr. Nell breaks down the signs of andropause and gives guidance on what can be done.
Today’s Man Alive podcast guest, Dr. Nell Smircina, said Andropause can start as early as your 30’s these days. But wait, do you know what Andropause is? Most men don’t and it’s important that you do!
Every practitioner should have resources available to them to be successful in practice and in the industry. Get started here.
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